The EFILA Blog editorial board welcomes any contribution that pertains to investor state dispute settlement (ISDS), and the intersection of ISDS with EU law, the ECT and public policy. While contributions with an EU law or policy element (broadly understood) are primarily sought, exceptions may be made on an occasional basis for topics of broad and significant importance to ISDS generally.
Not only articles advocating a certain position are encouraged, but also comprehensive critical analyses, replies and reviews. Moreover, active debate is welcome on the blog, ensuring the possibility of all parties to be heard and a common symbolic space of dialogue to be established.
Editorial Guidelines
1. The author’s name and affiliation(s) should be clearly indicated. We also welcome co-authored submissions.
2. The length of any material should be of approximately 1,500-2,500 words.
3. Footnotes should be avoided. If necessary, please use hyperlinks to relevant materials.
4. Given the reduced size of the material, sub-headings should be avoided.
5. A standard unedited format should be used: Times New Roman, 12, 1.5 spacing, Justified.
6. The use of italics and of bold should be restricted to a minimum.
The author retains copyrights pertaining to the submitted contribution. However, republishing of the material should be accompanied by a proper mention of the original place of publication on the EFILA Blog.
The Editorial Board reserves the right to refuse submissions or indicate modifications that should be incorporated.
Please submit your contribution to: blog. youngefila @efila .org (copy and paste into your email client and remove spaces).