Young ISDS Club – ICSID and UNCITRAL Draft Code of Conduct for Adjudicators in ISDS disputes

By Suksham Chauhan, International Arbitration Trainee, Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, Paris   Young ISDS Club for the second time provided a great platform for a very engaging and interesting discussion on 8 June 2020. The Young ISDS Club remained steadfast to its core value of open discussion. It was a most candid discussion where participants… Read More Young ISDS Club – ICSID and UNCITRAL Draft Code of Conduct for Adjudicators in ISDS disputes

Coming out of the Closet: Third-Party Funding in International Arbitration

by Andrii Hubai* The recent rise of third-party funding in international arbitration has opened a completely new dimension for arbitration itself. An opportunity of funding the parties of the process became a big deal breaker in many aspects that are visible at a first glance and those hidden behind the privacy clauses of funding agreements.… Read More Coming out of the Closet: Third-Party Funding in International Arbitration

Is Third Party Funding a Relevant “Investment” for the Purposes of a IIA Protection?

by Duarte G. Henriques, BCH Advocados* During a meeting on the occasion of the last ICCA Congress in Mauritius, someone asked whether a Third Party Funding is considered an “investment” for the purposes of protection afforded by international investment agreements (“IIAs”) and investor state dispute settlement (“ISDS”). Contrary to my first reaction—“no, TPF is not protected”—the… Read More Is Third Party Funding a Relevant “Investment” for the Purposes of a IIA Protection?