Practical Implications of the New Legal Framework for Foreign Direct Investment in the European Union

By Dr. Philipp Stompfe, LL.M. (London)* In March 2018, following an initiative of Germany, France and Italy, the Council of the European Union (“EU”) approved a Regulation on establishing a framework for screening of foreign direct investments (“FDI”) into the European Union (“Regulation”). The new Regulation entered into force on 10 April 2019 and will… Read More Practical Implications of the New Legal Framework for Foreign Direct Investment in the European Union

The new EU Regulation on the screening of foreign direct investments: A tool for disguised protectionism?

Prof. Nikos Lavranos, Secretary General of EFILA In December 2018, the EU institutions agreed on the text for an EU Regulation establishing a mechanism for screening all foreign investments into the EU. In just over a year the EU institutions adopted this Regulation, which is unusually fast and reflects the apparent political will of the… Read More The new EU Regulation on the screening of foreign direct investments: A tool for disguised protectionism?

Chinese SOE Investment: An Economic Statecraft

Bashar H. Malkawi* China’s rising economic preeminence has been stunning, firmly ensconcing China as the second most powerful world economy replacing previously second-ranked Japan. In a remarkably short span, less than 15 years, the US economy has experienced a relatively huge decline vis-à-vis China on a nominal GDP basis. China’s remarkable economic juggernaut has been… Read More Chinese SOE Investment: An Economic Statecraft

The EU’s foreign investment screening proposal: Towards more protectionism in the EU

by Prof. Nikos Lavranos, Secretary General of EFILA Last September, European Commission President Juncker presented a proposal for a European foreign investment screening regulation – apparently following a request by Germany, France and Italy. The proposal fits the protectionist mood that has taken hold in Brussels and in many EU Member States. The backlash against… Read More The EU’s foreign investment screening proposal: Towards more protectionism in the EU