Do New-Age International Investment Agreements Introduce a Method to the Madness of State Counterclaims in Investment Arbitration?

Vishesh Sharma* and Vishakha Choudhary** Uniform jurisprudence concerning state counterclaims in investment arbitration remains elusive. Ordinarily, the conditions for their presentation are twofold[1]: parties should have consented to arbitration of counterclaims, and the counterclaims should be connected to the primary claim. However, tribunals have oscillated between strict application[2] of these criteria, to extreme dilution based… Read More Do New-Age International Investment Agreements Introduce a Method to the Madness of State Counterclaims in Investment Arbitration?

The Pre-Establishment National Treatment Obligation: How Common Is It?

Vrinda Vinayak* Introduction The national treatment obligation in international investment agreements (IIAs) is a double-edged sword – while it may attract foreign investment by guaranteeing equal access to and treatment in the domestic market, it has the potential to limit autonomy and sovereignty of nations in formulating domestic policy, and opens these measures up to… Read More The Pre-Establishment National Treatment Obligation: How Common Is It?

India’s Federalism and Investment Arbitration

by Sarthak Malhotra* A key area of exposition both in Public International Law and Investment Arbitration is what constitutes an ‘act of state’. The Draft Articles on State Responsibility have been a ground-breaking work in codifying the rules of attribution of responsibility to the states. A related issue in this regard is the attribution of liability… Read More India’s Federalism and Investment Arbitration

Call for Papers: PluriCourts Conference – 25-26 August 2016

The PluriCourts Centre of Excellence at the University of Oslo is organizing a conference titled ‘Adjudicating international trade and investment disputes: between interaction and isolation.’ The conference will be hosted at the Faculty of Law of the University of Oslo on Thursday and Friday 25- 26 August 2016. Submission procedures and timelines are detailed at the end of… Read More Call for Papers: PluriCourts Conference – 25-26 August 2016

Redefining the ‘Centre’: International Economic Law and Grand Strategy in a Multipolar World

by Horia Ciurtin LL.M., Managing Editor of the EFILA Blog* (Legal) Multipolarity Revisited: What Lies Beyond Westphalia? This brief introduction to such an ambitious thematic must undoubtedly commence by positing its adherence to the (non-legal) core concept of ‘grand strategy’ and its realist avatars in international economic law. More precisely, it shall be argued that –… Read More Redefining the ‘Centre’: International Economic Law and Grand Strategy in a Multipolar World