On the Road to Neutrality: Multilateral Investment Court and Appointment of Adjudicators

By Stanislava Nedeva[1] The proposal for establishing a Multilateral Investment Court (MIC) has been under discussion for several years now and was taken forward at intergovernmental talks at United Nations Committee on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL), with a view of reforming the current investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) system. The intergovernmental talks are conducted under the… Read More On the Road to Neutrality: Multilateral Investment Court and Appointment of Adjudicators

Stakeholder meeting on a possible future Multilateral Investment Court: Establishment of a Multilateral Investment Court (Brussels, 15 January 2020)

José Rafael Mata Dona1 As in the previous session of the stakeholder meeting organized by the European Commission (see here), this roundup started with a brief recap of the whole process of the UNICTRAL Working Group III (for a more detailed review of the EU’s proposal for a MIC and ISDS reform under the auspices of UNCITRAL… Read More Stakeholder meeting on a possible future Multilateral Investment Court: Establishment of a Multilateral Investment Court (Brussels, 15 January 2020)

Stakeholder meeting on a possible future Multilateral Investment Court: Establishment of a Multilateral Investment Court (Brussels, 9 October 2019)

José Rafael Mata Dona[1]  A week before the autumn session in Vienna of the UNCITRAL Working Group III, the EC held a Stakeholder meeting in Brussels on the subject of the establishment of a Multilateral Investment Court. The initiative took place as part of the EC Commitment to Transparency. During the introductory speech, Collin Brown (Dispute… Read More Stakeholder meeting on a possible future Multilateral Investment Court: Establishment of a Multilateral Investment Court (Brussels, 9 October 2019)

Ensuring Equitable Access to All Stakeholders: Critical Suggestions for the MIC (EFILA Submission to the UNCITRAL WG no. 3 on ISDS Reforms)

EFILA has recently submitted its suggestions to the UNCITRAL Working Group no. 3 on ISDS Reform. The entire document can be found here. An extract can be read below. The European Federation for Investment Law and Arbitration (EFILA) believes that no discussion about the reform of the investor-State dispute settlement (ISDS) system should occur without… Read More Ensuring Equitable Access to All Stakeholders: Critical Suggestions for the MIC (EFILA Submission to the UNCITRAL WG no. 3 on ISDS Reforms)

The first steps towards a Multilateral Investment Court (MIC)

by Prof. Nikos Lavranos, Secretary-General of EFILA   On the instigation of the EU, the UNCITRAL Commission adopted a broad mandate for a Working Group to: identify and consider concerns regarding ISDS; consider whether reforms are desirable in light of the identified concerns; if the Working Group were to conclude that reform is desirable, to… Read More The first steps towards a Multilateral Investment Court (MIC)

Multilateral Investment Court: A Realistic Approach to Achieve Coherence and Consistency in International Investment Law?

Shiva Ghahremani (Konrad & Partners) Ivan Prandzhev (Konrad & Partners) Against all odds, the idea of creating an investment court to replace arbitration tribunals hearing disputes between investors and states has so far made a remarkable career. It has been only 3 years since the idea of an international investment court surfaced in EU Trade… Read More Multilateral Investment Court: A Realistic Approach to Achieve Coherence and Consistency in International Investment Law?