Is Third Party Funding a Relevant “Investment” for the Purposes of a IIA Protection?

by Duarte G. Henriques, BCH Advocados* During a meeting on the occasion of the last ICCA Congress in Mauritius, someone asked whether a Third Party Funding is considered an “investment” for the purposes of protection afforded by international investment agreements (“IIAs”) and investor state dispute settlement (“ISDS”). Contrary to my first reaction—“no, TPF is not protected”—the… Read More Is Third Party Funding a Relevant “Investment” for the Purposes of a IIA Protection?

Report on the AIA, EFILA and CIArb Event: Updates on EU Law Related Arbitration: A Selection of New, Controversial and Hot Topics

Nikoletta Kallasidou and Michal Mojto, AIA, Brussels The Arbitration for International Arbitration (AIA), EFILA and the CIArb jointly organised a well-attended event  at the VUB University in Brussels on the 27th of May, bringing two panels of experts to discuss recent developments on EU-related arbitration. Contentious issues such as the Brussels I Bis Regulation, the… Read More Report on the AIA, EFILA and CIArb Event: Updates on EU Law Related Arbitration: A Selection of New, Controversial and Hot Topics

The Helping Hand of the MFN for the Intra-EU Bilateral Investment Treaties

Rimantas Daujotas, Motieka & Audzevicius PLP* As it was recently announced, Slovakia has succeeded in referring the legality of intra-EU bilateral investment treaties to the European Court of Justice, as part of its bid to stop Dutch insurer Achmea from enforcing a €22 million UNCITRAL award. In a decision on 3 March 2016, Germany’s Federal Court… Read More The Helping Hand of the MFN for the Intra-EU Bilateral Investment Treaties

DAA General Meeting of Members and Investment Committee Event – 20 May 2016

The DAA has the pleasure of inviting you to its third General Meeting of Members as well as to the first event of its Investment Committee on the topic: “The Hague: How to make it a more attractive arbitral seat”. The General Meeting and the event of the Investment Committee will take place on Friday,… Read More DAA General Meeting of Members and Investment Committee Event – 20 May 2016

Can Investors Use the Proposed Unified Patent Court for Treaty Shopping?

Pratyush Nath Upreti*, Upreti & Associates In recent years, there have been several discussions on Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) and its impact on states’ sovereign right to regulate. The latest cases of Philip Morris and Eli Lilly are evident where intellectual property claims were brought under the scrutiny of investment tribunals. These cases have received greater attention,… Read More Can Investors Use the Proposed Unified Patent Court for Treaty Shopping?

ICSID Complaint as Alternative to Supplemental Filing

by Zoltán S. Novák, TaylorWessing We are used to thinking of international investment arbitration as a remedy against unlawful nationalization, expropriation, and other high-profile state acts depriving a foreign investor of his or her investment. It is pretty rare that the unfair treatment the investor complains about is limited to a simple court order requesting… Read More ICSID Complaint as Alternative to Supplemental Filing

EFILA, AIA and CIArb Event in Brussels: International Arbitration and EU Law Issues

EFILA together with the AIA and the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators are co-hosting an event which focuses on some of the hot issues regarding the interaction between EU law and International Arbitration. Speakers will deal both with commercial arbitration and investment treaty arbitration issues, as well as their interaction with EU law. This half-day event takes place… Read More EFILA, AIA and CIArb Event in Brussels: International Arbitration and EU Law Issues

ICC: Policy Statement Foreign Direct Investment

The ICC Commission on Trade and Investment Policy has just issued a Policy Statement on Foreign Direct Investment arguing the necessity of FDI and of ISDS mechanisms for ensuring economic growth in our global society. Investment, including foreign direct investment (FDI), plays an important role in determining a country’s economic prospects. ICC strongly supports FDI as an effective… Read More ICC: Policy Statement Foreign Direct Investment

Brexit: Implications for the EU Reform of Investor-State Dispute Settlement

Sophie Nappert, 3 Verulam Buildings Nikos Lavranos, EFILA “Reproduced from Practical Law with the permission of the publishers. For further information visit or call 020 7542 6664.” Investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) is an international arbitration mechanism that allows an investor from one country to bring arbitral proceedings directly against the state in which it has… Read More Brexit: Implications for the EU Reform of Investor-State Dispute Settlement

Avoiding ISDS: National Contact Points for Investor Guidelines and Mediation

by Tabe van Hoolwerff*  Imagine, you are an EU trade minister and you want to attract foreign investors by offering a stable investment climate. At the same time, you also want to avoid potential claims arising from government measures that seek to protect the environment or labor standards – a fear your non-business stakeholders have been… Read More Avoiding ISDS: National Contact Points for Investor Guidelines and Mediation