The Greek Sovereign Debt Rescheduling, EU Bail-In and Investment Arbitration

by Prof. Georges Affaki* Many readers of this Blog spent the summer watching the brinkmanship of the Greek national debt third bailout unfold. Few were aware that part of that debt was being bitterly fought in fora other than the European Commission or the Greek Parliament: investment arbitral tribunals. This article reflects on the future… Read More The Greek Sovereign Debt Rescheduling, EU Bail-In and Investment Arbitration

The Proposed New Investment Court System for TTIP: The Right Way Forward?

by Mirjam van de Hel-Koedoot, NautaDutilh*   On 16 September 2015, the European Commission published a draft text for the investment chapter in the proposed Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) between the EU and the US. In the Proposal, the European Commission specifically mentions that the Proposal is an internal document of the EU… Read More The Proposed New Investment Court System for TTIP: The Right Way Forward?

Protecting International Commercial Arbitration in Europe

by Chris Wilford, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators* The current highly politicised debate surrounding the inclusion of investor-to-state dispute settlement (ISDS) in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), which allows investors to bring claims against a State before an international arbitral tribunal, has brought arbitration into the spotlight. While ISDS is a special form of… Read More Protecting International Commercial Arbitration in Europe