Climate Change Cases Before the European Court of Human Rights: Where Are We Now and Where Might We Be Heading?

By Stephanie Collins[1] and Alexa Romanelli[2] Climate change litigation has a new frontier: proceedings before international courts that are grounded in human rights violations. This blog post focuses on three cases pending before the European Court of Human Rights (“ECtHR” or “the Court”), the rulings of which are expected on 9 April 2024: (i) KlimaSeniorinnen… Read More Climate Change Cases Before the European Court of Human Rights: Where Are We Now and Where Might We Be Heading?

The European Commission’s Model Clauses: Highlighting Human Resource Sustainability for EU Investment Treaties

by Jiawen Wang[1] In September 2023, the European Commission (“Commission”) published a non-paper on model clauses for the future negotiation or re-negotiation of bilateral investment treaties (“BITs”) between EU Member States and third countries. This non-paper, presenting the model clauses, may reflect the Commission’s broader approach to investment protection and the best practice for EU Member States, although it… Read More The European Commission’s Model Clauses: Highlighting Human Resource Sustainability for EU Investment Treaties

A Meeting of the Two Worlds: The Human Rights Regime and International Investment Law – A Critique of Urbaser v. Argentina

Priya Garg* A plethora of cases have been filed before investment tribunals regarding the issue of interaction or conflict between human rights obligations of investor or State and his or its, as the case may be, duties under international investment law (hereinafter, IIL).[1] The recent case of Urbaser v. Argentina only joins this already long… Read More A Meeting of the Two Worlds: The Human Rights Regime and International Investment Law – A Critique of Urbaser v. Argentina

Urbaser v. Argentina: Analysing the Expanding Scope of Investment Arbitration in light of Human Rights Obligations

by Sujoy Sur While allowing investors the right to directly bring a claim against the States has said to be the single most progressive development in International Law in the 20th century, they also have gained recognition as ‘subjects’ of international law. It is this recognition which puts a corollary duty on the investor to regard… Read More Urbaser v. Argentina: Analysing the Expanding Scope of Investment Arbitration in light of Human Rights Obligations

CETA and Fundamental Rights in the European Union: Invitation to a Dialogue between Courts

by Ioana Petculescu*  Following an arduous negotiation process which started in 2009, Canada and the European Union eventually signed the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (hereinafter “CETA” or the “Agreement”) on October 30, 2016. As recent events demonstrate, the Agreement remains, however, controversial and as contested as the already (in)famous Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership… Read More CETA and Fundamental Rights in the European Union: Invitation to a Dialogue between Courts