The ‘Mixed’ Future of the EU’s Investment Law and Arbitration Policy

by Nikos Lavranos, Secretary General of EFILA* The year 2016 must be considered a real “annus horribilis” for the EU’s investment law and arbitration policy. The following list is just an incomplete overview of the failures of the European Commission to deliver any positive results: TTIP was not concluded within the presidency of the Obama Administration… Read More The ‘Mixed’ Future of the EU’s Investment Law and Arbitration Policy

Why the EU’s Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Competence Should be Re-nationalized

by Nikos Lavranos, Secretary General of EFILA At the last meeting of the Trade Policy Committee (TPC) at Full Members level, that is at Director General level, encompassing all MS and the European Commission, DG Demarty of the Commission is quoted as saying that the EU trade policy would have a “big credibility problem” if… Read More Why the EU’s Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Competence Should be Re-nationalized

Right to Regulation & Investment Court System: Alternative to ISDS? (Part I)

   by Pratyush Nath Upreti, Upreti & Associates* Intellectual Property is sexy! Its romantic endeavor with other branches of law makes it appealing for IP scholars. This romance can be seen through the lens of the global Intellectual property regime. In today’s industrialized world, the landscape of the intellectual property is changing. Mostly, all forms of… Read More Right to Regulation & Investment Court System: Alternative to ISDS? (Part I)

A BIT-By-BIT Understanding of the EU’s Present & Future Investment Agreements

by Emma Spiteri-Gonzi* Anyone with an interest in European investment and trade will undoubtedly have heard of the EU-US TTIP or, to use its full name, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership. Naturally, this makes sense as the US is the EU’s top trading partner and a trade agreement of this significance would unquestionably make… Read More A BIT-By-BIT Understanding of the EU’s Present & Future Investment Agreements