Regulatory Challenges Arising from Sovereign Wealth Funds and National Security: Exacerbate Great Power Competition between China and the United States?

Charles Ho Wang Mak* and I-Ju Chen** China is now a major player in some of the United States’ (US) most important sectors. China’s impact can be found through the acquisition by some of its most influential companies, which are later acquired by the sovereign wealth funds (SWFs) of China. US’ companies, for example, Apple… Read More Regulatory Challenges Arising from Sovereign Wealth Funds and National Security: Exacerbate Great Power Competition between China and the United States?

Practical Implications of the New Legal Framework for Foreign Direct Investment in the European Union

By Dr. Philipp Stompfe, LL.M. (London)* In March 2018, following an initiative of Germany, France and Italy, the Council of the European Union (“EU”) approved a Regulation on establishing a framework for screening of foreign direct investments (“FDI”) into the European Union (“Regulation”). The new Regulation entered into force on 10 April 2019 and will… Read More Practical Implications of the New Legal Framework for Foreign Direct Investment in the European Union

The new EU Regulation on the screening of foreign direct investments: A tool for disguised protectionism?

Prof. Nikos Lavranos, Secretary General of EFILA In December 2018, the EU institutions agreed on the text for an EU Regulation establishing a mechanism for screening all foreign investments into the EU. In just over a year the EU institutions adopted this Regulation, which is unusually fast and reflects the apparent political will of the… Read More The new EU Regulation on the screening of foreign direct investments: A tool for disguised protectionism?