The Contents of the European Investment Law and Arbitration Review, Vol. 5 (2020)

Prof. Nikos Lavranos & Prof. Loukas Mistelis (Co-Editors in Chief) We are very pleased and proud to present the fifth issue of the European Investment Law and Arbitration Review (EILA Rev) 2020. As of 23 December 2020, all articles of this volume can be ordered online at Brill Publishers: The stormy developments of the past… Read More The Contents of the European Investment Law and Arbitration Review, Vol. 5 (2020)

The End of West Takers in the UK? Anti-suit injunctions post-Brexit: The default ‘No-deal’ Scenario

David Ndolo, Coventry Law School, Coventry University The UK parliament passed the European Union Withdrawal Act 2018 (“EUWA”) that gained royal accent on 26 June 2018. While the exit day is currently set for 29 March 2019, there is a proposed transition period until December 2020 in case a Brexit deal is agreed upon. In… Read More The End of West Takers in the UK? Anti-suit injunctions post-Brexit: The default ‘No-deal’ Scenario

UK post-Brexit cannot escape the impact of EU law and of the Court of Justice of the EU  

  Prof. Dr. Nikos Lavranos, LLM (Secretary General of EFILA) In recent weeks, the UK has published several papers explaining its aims of leaving the EU and how it intends to shape its future trade relationship with the EU. One of the aims repeatedly publicly stated by the UK will be “to end the direct… Read More UK post-Brexit cannot escape the impact of EU law and of the Court of Justice of the EU  

29 June: DAA Investment Committee meeting with the topic: Will arbitration survive the new era of protectionism?

As chair of the DAA Investment Committee, Nikos Lavranos is honored to invite you to the 2nd meeting with the following topic: President Trump, Brexit and elections in Europe: will arbitration survive the new era of protectionism? We will have two high-profile panels. The first panel will discuss whether Protectionism in Europe and the United… Read More 29 June: DAA Investment Committee meeting with the topic: Will arbitration survive the new era of protectionism?

Norton Rose Fulbright and EFILA: Investor-State Disputes, What Will Change Post-Brexit?

by Cara Dowling, Norton Rose Fulbright (London)* On Wednesday 29th March 2017, the UK government triggered Article 50 formally beginning the process of withdrawing the UK from the European Union. On that historic day, the London office of Norton Rose Fulbright and EFILA co-hosted a panel discussion with distinguished experts from industry, trade policy and… Read More Norton Rose Fulbright and EFILA: Investor-State Disputes, What Will Change Post-Brexit?

Norton Rose Fulbright and EFILA: Investor-state disputes, what will change post Brexit?

Norton Rose Fulbright and EFILA invite you to attend a panel discussion on trade, foreign investment and investor-state dispute settlement post-Brexit. Panel discussion and drinks reception We are pleased to host an distinguished panel of experts from industry, trade policy and investment treaty arbitration. Topics our panel will cover include: The UK’s post-Brexit relationship with… Read More Norton Rose Fulbright and EFILA: Investor-state disputes, what will change post Brexit?

Report on the AIA, EFILA and CIArb Event: Updates on EU Law Related Arbitration: A Selection of New, Controversial and Hot Topics

Nikoletta Kallasidou and Michal Mojto, AIA, Brussels The Arbitration for International Arbitration (AIA), EFILA and the CIArb jointly organised a well-attended event  at the VUB University in Brussels on the 27th of May, bringing two panels of experts to discuss recent developments on EU-related arbitration. Contentious issues such as the Brussels I Bis Regulation, the… Read More Report on the AIA, EFILA and CIArb Event: Updates on EU Law Related Arbitration: A Selection of New, Controversial and Hot Topics

Brexit: Implications for the EU Reform of Investor-State Dispute Settlement

Sophie Nappert, 3 Verulam Buildings Nikos Lavranos, EFILA “Reproduced from Practical Law with the permission of the publishers. For further information visit or call 020 7542 6664.” Investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) is an international arbitration mechanism that allows an investor from one country to bring arbitral proceedings directly against the state in which it has… Read More Brexit: Implications for the EU Reform of Investor-State Dispute Settlement