The European Commission’s Model Clauses: Highlighting Human Resource Sustainability for EU Investment Treaties

by Jiawen Wang[1] In September 2023, the European Commission (“Commission”) published a non-paper on model clauses for the future negotiation or re-negotiation of bilateral investment treaties (“BITs”) between EU Member States and third countries. This non-paper, presenting the model clauses, may reflect the Commission’s broader approach to investment protection and the best practice for EU Member States, although it… Read More The European Commission’s Model Clauses: Highlighting Human Resource Sustainability for EU Investment Treaties

Unveiling Japan’s Modern BIT Policy: A Review of its Substantive Provisions

By Yosuke Iwasaki (Sidley Austin LLP) and Takashi Yokoyama (Tenzer Arrieta PLLC)[1] While Japan has signed 36[2] bilateral investment treaties (“BITs”) with predominantly capital importing countries, historically the Japanese government’s investment treaty policy has been veiled in secrecy. While some countries, such as the United States and India, have officially published their own model BITs,… Read More Unveiling Japan’s Modern BIT Policy: A Review of its Substantive Provisions

Arbitration in Iran: With Focus on International Commercial Arbitration (Part III)

Nasim Gheidi & Parham Zahedi, Gheidi & Associates (See Part 1 and Part 2 of this post here and here) Iran’s Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs) Iran has signed more than 100 BITs (More than 50 of which are in force) with capital-exporting and neighboring countries for the reciprocal promotion and protection of foreign investment in Iran. The purpose behind these… Read More Arbitration in Iran: With Focus on International Commercial Arbitration (Part III)

What’s the value of investment treaties?

by Dr. Dominic Beckers-Schwarz, Lawyer, Paris   On 7 March 2017, one day after the OECD Global Forum on International Investment, over one hundred stakeholders from businesses, trade unions, academics and OECD member states gathered for the one-day “3rd OECD Annual Conference on Investment Treaties”. The conference addressed issues concerning “evaluating and enhancing outcomes of… Read More What’s the value of investment treaties?

The continued lack of adequate investment protection in Europe

Nikos Lavranos, Secretary General, EFILA Recently, the UNCTAD Investment Division announced that it had “completed its regular semi-annual update of the Investment Dispute Settlement Navigator, which is now up-to-date as of 1 January 2017”. The Navigator is a useful web-based search tool containing information regarding pending and closed investor-State disputes based on the thousands of… Read More The continued lack of adequate investment protection in Europe

The Lack of Any Legal Conflict Between EU Law and Intra-EU BITs/ECT Disputes

 by Dr. Nikos Lavranos LLM, Secretary General of EFILA* A couple of weeks ago the first award in the series of more than 25 other solar energy cases against Spain was issued. The case was brought by two companies based in Luxembourg and the Netherlands against Spain on the basis of the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT)… Read More The Lack of Any Legal Conflict Between EU Law and Intra-EU BITs/ECT Disputes

ISDS Novelty Overlooked Or Novelty Outdated?

by Emma Spiteri-Gonzi* Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) is a procedural mechanism provided for in international investment agreements such as bilateral investment treaties (BITs) or multi-lateral investment treaties (MITs). ISDS allows an investor from one country to institute proceedings against the country where their investments where made- the Host State. So, has this novelty been overlooked… Read More ISDS Novelty Overlooked Or Novelty Outdated?

Redefining the ‘Centre’: International Economic Law and Grand Strategy in a Multipolar World

by Horia Ciurtin LL.M., Managing Editor of the EFILA Blog* (Legal) Multipolarity Revisited: What Lies Beyond Westphalia? This brief introduction to such an ambitious thematic must undoubtedly commence by positing its adherence to the (non-legal) core concept of ‘grand strategy’ and its realist avatars in international economic law. More precisely, it shall be argued that –… Read More Redefining the ‘Centre’: International Economic Law and Grand Strategy in a Multipolar World

AIA and EFILA Event: Seminar on Arbitration and EU Law

Seminar on Arbitration and EU Law – 7th April 2016, Brussels, Belgium   EVENT CO-ORGANIZED WITH THE EUROPEAN FEDERATION FOR INVESTMENT LAW AND ARBITRATION (EFILA)   Over the years, there has been increasing EU activity in private international law. The interaction and relationship of EU law and international commercial arbitration has had growing interest over the years. In… Read More AIA and EFILA Event: Seminar on Arbitration and EU Law