UK post-Brexit cannot escape the impact of EU law and of the Court of Justice of the EU  

  Prof. Dr. Nikos Lavranos, LLM (Secretary General of EFILA) In recent weeks, the UK has published several papers explaining its aims of leaving the EU and how it intends to shape its future trade relationship with the EU. One of the aims repeatedly publicly stated by the UK will be “to end the direct… Read More UK post-Brexit cannot escape the impact of EU law and of the Court of Justice of the EU  

The Helping Hand of the MFN for the Intra-EU Bilateral Investment Treaties

Rimantas Daujotas, Motieka & Audzevicius PLP* As it was recently announced, Slovakia has succeeded in referring the legality of intra-EU bilateral investment treaties to the European Court of Justice, as part of its bid to stop Dutch insurer Achmea from enforcing a €22 million UNCITRAL award. In a decision on 3 March 2016, Germany’s Federal Court… Read More The Helping Hand of the MFN for the Intra-EU Bilateral Investment Treaties