Call for Papers: Bucerius Law Journal Conference on International Investment Law & Arbitration

Supported by Neil Kaplan and Doak Bishop In collaboration with Neil Kaplan QC CBE and R. Doak Bishop, the Bucerius Law Journal is proud to announce its first conference on International Investment Law & Arbitration. The conference will take place in the facilities of the Bucerius Law School in Hamburg, Germany on 22nd and 23rd April… Read More Call for Papers: Bucerius Law Journal Conference on International Investment Law & Arbitration

AIA and EFILA Event: Seminar on Arbitration and EU Law

Seminar on Arbitration and EU Law – 7th April 2016, Brussels, Belgium   EVENT CO-ORGANIZED WITH THE EUROPEAN FEDERATION FOR INVESTMENT LAW AND ARBITRATION (EFILA)   Over the years, there has been increasing EU activity in private international law. The interaction and relationship of EU law and international commercial arbitration has had growing interest over the years. In… Read More AIA and EFILA Event: Seminar on Arbitration and EU Law

Launch of the EFILA Blog – Press Release

Since its establishment last year, the European Federation for Investment Law and Arbitration (EFILA) has developed into a well-known and highly regarded think-tank for the promotion of the knowledge of all aspects of EU and international investment law, including arbitration, at the European level. EFILA endeavours to facilitate a meaningful exchange of views on relevant… Read More Launch of the EFILA Blog – Press Release