Young EFILA in conversation with… Himanshu Setia

Himanshu Setia[1]  is an advocate at Dua Associates, India where he specialises in arbitration and commercial litigation. He advises and represents parties in international arbitration matters (under Rules of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre, the ICC, UNCITRAL as well as ad hoc) and in arbitration matters seated in India. He also advises and represents parties… Read More Young EFILA in conversation with… Himanshu Setia

Young EFILA in conversation with… Crina Baltag

Dr Crina Baltag, FCIArb is Associate Professor (Docent) in International Arbitration at Stockholm University and a qualified attorney-at-law with almost twenty years of extensive practice in various aspects of international dispute resolution, private and public international law. A well-rounded practitioner with very diverse experience, Crina sits as an arbitrator (ICC, LCIA, SIAC, SCC, FAI, VIAC… Read More Young EFILA in conversation with… Crina Baltag

Young EFILA in conversation with… Kabir Duggal

Dr. Kabir Duggal is an attorney in Arnold and Porter’s New York office focusing on international investment arbitration, international commercial arbitration, and public international law matters, serving both as arbitrator and mediator.  He is recognised as a “Chartered Arbitrator” by both the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and the Asian Institute of Alternative Dispute Resolution.  Dr. Duggal is… Read More Young EFILA in conversation with… Kabir Duggal