Young EFILA in Conversation with… Stanislava Nedeva

Dr. Stanislava Nedeva is a Lecturer in Law at Cardiff University, after having previously taught at Reading University. Her main research interests and passion lie in international arbitration (commercial and investment treaty), investment law, energy (oil and gas) and EU. She is also a Young-OGEMID Rapporteur and a member of the R.E.A.L. Newsletter & Blog… Read More Young EFILA in Conversation with… Stanislava Nedeva

Young EFILA in Conversation with… Mian Sami ud-Din

Mian Sami ud-Din is a Partner at Bhandari Naqvi Riaz and an Advocate of the Supreme Court of Pakistan. He has acted as counsel in arbitration matters under the rules of most major institutions. His experience also includes cross-border litigation and matters involving Public International Law. He is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of… Read More Young EFILA in Conversation with… Mian Sami ud-Din

Young EFILA in conversation with… Mary Mitsi

Mary Mitsi is Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Commercial Law and International Arbitration at Queen Mary University of London. She is also the Director for Executive Education at CCLS contributing to the training of industry professionals. She delivers training programmes for practitioners, government officials, and courts. Mary has also led and worked on projects by the European Bank for… Read More Young EFILA in conversation with… Mary Mitsi

Young EFILA in conversation with… Eliana Maria Tornese

In 2021, Eliana Maria Tornese took over the position of Registrar of the London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA). Prior to joining the LCIA as Deputy Registrar in November 2015, she worked at the ICC International Court of Arbitration, where she spent three years as Counsel in charge of the case management team, handling arbitration… Read More Young EFILA in conversation with… Eliana Maria Tornese

Young EFILA in conversation with… Matteo Zambelli

Dr. Matteo Zambelli is a partner in the commercial dispute practice of the law firm Zambelli Tassetto, Studio Legale and an associate professor on the University of West London LLM programme where he lectures on the International Arbitration, International Commercial Litigation, International Commercial and Shipping Law, International Banking Law, Legal Aspects of International Finance and… Read More Young EFILA in conversation with… Matteo Zambelli

Young EFILA in conversation with… Fahira Brodlija

Fahira Brodlija is the Rule of Law Advisor for a regional GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) legal reform project focusing on investment disputes in the Western Balkans. Fahira is also an adjunct lecturer at the International University of Sarajevo. She frequently writes and speaks on topics related to the reform of the investor-State dispute… Read More Young EFILA in conversation with… Fahira Brodlija

Young EFILA in conversation with… Dmitri Evseev

Dmitri Evseev is a former partner of Arnold & Porter, where he spent over 15 years acting as counsel and arbitrator in high-profile international arbitration disputes. He has served as lead counsel in investment treaty disputes for Sweden, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Kyrgyzstan, Costa Rica, and numerous other States and private clients. In mid-2022, he… Read More Young EFILA in conversation with… Dmitri Evseev

Young EFILA in conversation with… Michael Davar

Michael Davar is a senior associate in the International Dispute Resolution and Litigation practices of Squire Patton Boggs in London. His cases have set English legal precedent. The Legal 500 2023 features Michael as a key lawyer for both international arbitration and commercial litigation. He is also a named arbitrator in the Georgian International Arbitration Centre’s… Read More Young EFILA in conversation with… Michael Davar