Call for Papers for the 2019 Issue of the European Investment Law and Arbitration Review

The Editorial Committee of the European Investment Law and Arbitration Review invites original, unpublished scholarly submissions on recent developments in international investment law, with a focus on the theme ‘The EU as a policy driver of international investment law’. Examples of topics that authors could consider include: The EU-Vietnam FTA The EU-Japan FTA Brexit, EU… Read More Call for Papers for the 2019 Issue of the European Investment Law and Arbitration Review

Bilateral Arbitration Treaties: Are BATs Blind to Existing International Structures and Realities?

by Avani Agarwal In November 2012, Gary Born proposed the idea of a Bilateral Arbitration Treaty (BAT), in a speech aptly titled “BIT’s, BAT’s and Buts” (available as an essay in the 13th Young Arbitration Review). He suggested developing a system of international treaties whereby countries decide that a particular set of international disputes (such… Read More Bilateral Arbitration Treaties: Are BATs Blind to Existing International Structures and Realities?

The Notion of “Material Breach” as the Ground to Terminate an Inter-State Arbitration Agreement (Compromis): A Criticism over Croatia v. Slovenia Tribunal’s Approach

Trinh Ba Duong (Geneva MIDS)[1] Croatia v. Slovenia is an exceptionally rare case which deeply touched the matter of terminating an arbitration agreement between two states, particularly a compromis.[2] The dispute addressed in the partial award arose in the context that there was an ex parte communication between Dr. Jernej Sekolec, the arbitrator appointed by… Read More The Notion of “Material Breach” as the Ground to Terminate an Inter-State Arbitration Agreement (Compromis): A Criticism over Croatia v. Slovenia Tribunal’s Approach

The new EU Regulation on the screening of foreign direct investments: A tool for disguised protectionism?

Prof. Nikos Lavranos, Secretary General of EFILA In December 2018, the EU institutions agreed on the text for an EU Regulation establishing a mechanism for screening all foreign investments into the EU. In just over a year the EU institutions adopted this Regulation, which is unusually fast and reflects the apparent political will of the… Read More The new EU Regulation on the screening of foreign direct investments: A tool for disguised protectionism?

EFILA 2019 Annual Conference: The EU and the future of international investment law and arbitration

Description 4th Annual EFILA Conference The EU and the future of international investment law and arbitration With the entering into force of the Lisbon Treaty 10 years ago the EU has become a dynamic policy actor in international investment law and arbitration. In particular, within the context of the increasing public concerns against TTIP, BITs… Read More EFILA 2019 Annual Conference: The EU and the future of international investment law and arbitration

The Pre-Establishment National Treatment Obligation: How Common Is It?

Vrinda Vinayak* Introduction The national treatment obligation in international investment agreements (IIAs) is a double-edged sword – while it may attract foreign investment by guaranteeing equal access to and treatment in the domestic market, it has the potential to limit autonomy and sovereignty of nations in formulating domestic policy, and opens these measures up to… Read More The Pre-Establishment National Treatment Obligation: How Common Is It?

Chinese SOE Investment: An Economic Statecraft

Bashar H. Malkawi* China’s rising economic preeminence has been stunning, firmly ensconcing China as the second most powerful world economy replacing previously second-ranked Japan. In a remarkably short span, less than 15 years, the US economy has experienced a relatively huge decline vis-à-vis China on a nominal GDP basis. China’s remarkable economic juggernaut has been… Read More Chinese SOE Investment: An Economic Statecraft

A New And Improved Investment Protection Regime: Truth Or Myth!

Shilpa Singh Jaswant, LLM (Hamburg) The proposed investment court system by the European Commission aims to limit criticism revolved around Investor-State Dispute Settlement due to its lack of legitimacy, transparency and appellate mechanism. The investment regime under Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement with Canada (hereinafter “CETA”) and European Union-Viet Nam Free Trade Agreement (hereinafter “EUVFTA”)… Read More A New And Improved Investment Protection Regime: Truth Or Myth!

Report on the 4th Annual EFILA Lecture delivered by Prof. George A. Bermann (Columbia University New York, School of Law), Brussels 25 October 2018

by Adam Marios Paschalidis (NautaDutilh) Recalibrating the European Union – International Arbitration Interface Introduction The 2018 Annual EFILA Lecture by Prof. George A. Bermann (Columbia University School of Law), continues the successful Annual EFILA Lectures series, which were previously delivered by Sophie Nappert (2015), Johnny Veeder (2016) and Sir Christopher Greenwood (2017). Before giving the… Read More Report on the 4th Annual EFILA Lecture delivered by Prof. George A. Bermann (Columbia University New York, School of Law), Brussels 25 October 2018

A Meeting of the Two Worlds: The Human Rights Regime and International Investment Law – A Critique of Urbaser v. Argentina

Priya Garg* A plethora of cases have been filed before investment tribunals regarding the issue of interaction or conflict between human rights obligations of investor or State and his or its, as the case may be, duties under international investment law (hereinafter, IIL).[1] The recent case of Urbaser v. Argentina only joins this already long… Read More A Meeting of the Two Worlds: The Human Rights Regime and International Investment Law – A Critique of Urbaser v. Argentina