Taking Investors’ Rights Seriously: The Achmea and CETA Rulings of the European Court of Justice do Not Bar Intra-EU Investment Arbitration

Prof. Dr. Alexander Reuter * The ECJ’s Achmea and CETA rulings [1]; as well as the entire debate conducted on the issue so far, disregard one legal factor, that is, the binding legal effect of investors’ rights under investment treaties. That factor is, however, at the heart of the matter and decisive. Under EU procedural… Read More Taking Investors’ Rights Seriously: The Achmea and CETA Rulings of the European Court of Justice do Not Bar Intra-EU Investment Arbitration

Young ISDS Club – ICSID and UNCITRAL Draft Code of Conduct for Adjudicators in ISDS disputes

By Suksham Chauhan, International Arbitration Trainee, Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, Paris   Young ISDS Club for the second time provided a great platform for a very engaging and interesting discussion on 8 June 2020. The Young ISDS Club remained steadfast to its core value of open discussion. It was a most candid discussion where participants… Read More Young ISDS Club – ICSID and UNCITRAL Draft Code of Conduct for Adjudicators in ISDS disputes

Stakeholder meeting on a possible future Multilateral Investment Court: Establishment of a Multilateral Investment Court (Brussels, 15 January 2020)

José Rafael Mata Dona1 As in the previous session of the stakeholder meeting organized by the European Commission (see here), this roundup started with a brief recap of the whole process of the UNICTRAL Working Group III (for a more detailed review of the EU’s proposal for a MIC and ISDS reform under the auspices of UNCITRAL… Read More Stakeholder meeting on a possible future Multilateral Investment Court: Establishment of a Multilateral Investment Court (Brussels, 15 January 2020)

5th EFILA Annual Conference: 30 January 2020

Investment Protection in the EU: Alternatives to intra-EU BITs Keynote Speaker: Meg Kinnear, Secretary General of ICSID   The 5th EFILA Annual Conference will discuss various aspects of the consequences of the termination of intra-EU BITs for the protection of investments and investors in the EU. The conference will also cover the potential impact for ECT… Read More 5th EFILA Annual Conference: 30 January 2020

Investment Tribunals Are Too Quick to Establish the Existence of Issue and Cause of Action Estoppel in International (Investment) Law

Alexandros-Cătălin Bakos[1] There is no denying that there is a serious backlash against investment arbitration at the moment. The signs are everywhere: from the latest discussions occurring within UNCITRAL’s Working Group III to the more recent practice of states (see the 22 European Union Member States’ declaration concerning the termination of their intra-EU Bilateral Investment… Read More Investment Tribunals Are Too Quick to Establish the Existence of Issue and Cause of Action Estoppel in International (Investment) Law

Ensuring Equitable Access to All Stakeholders: Critical Suggestions for the MIC (EFILA Submission to the UNCITRAL WG no. 3 on ISDS Reforms)

EFILA has recently submitted its suggestions to the UNCITRAL Working Group no. 3 on ISDS Reform. The entire document can be found here. An extract can be read below. The European Federation for Investment Law and Arbitration (EFILA) believes that no discussion about the reform of the investor-State dispute settlement (ISDS) system should occur without… Read More Ensuring Equitable Access to All Stakeholders: Critical Suggestions for the MIC (EFILA Submission to the UNCITRAL WG no. 3 on ISDS Reforms)

Schrödinger’s Investment: the EU’s General Court Considers that the Compensation Ordered by the Micula Tribunal is Not a Form of State Aid (Although it Might as Well Have Been)

Alexandros Catalin Bakos, LL.M. Candidate, Utrecht University In a somewhat fortunate turn of events for the stability (or what is left of it in any case) of the intra-European Union (intra-EU) investment treaty system, the General Court of the European Union (GCEU) has annulled the EU Commission’s decision rendered against Romania for illegal state aid… Read More Schrödinger’s Investment: the EU’s General Court Considers that the Compensation Ordered by the Micula Tribunal is Not a Form of State Aid (Although it Might as Well Have Been)

Do New-Age International Investment Agreements Introduce a Method to the Madness of State Counterclaims in Investment Arbitration?

Vishesh Sharma* and Vishakha Choudhary** Uniform jurisprudence concerning state counterclaims in investment arbitration remains elusive. Ordinarily, the conditions for their presentation are twofold[1]: parties should have consented to arbitration of counterclaims, and the counterclaims should be connected to the primary claim. However, tribunals have oscillated between strict application[2] of these criteria, to extreme dilution based… Read More Do New-Age International Investment Agreements Introduce a Method to the Madness of State Counterclaims in Investment Arbitration?

The End of West Takers in the UK? Anti-suit injunctions post-Brexit: The default ‘No-deal’ Scenario

David Ndolo, Coventry Law School, Coventry University The UK parliament passed the European Union Withdrawal Act 2018 (“EUWA”) that gained royal accent on 26 June 2018. While the exit day is currently set for 29 March 2019, there is a proposed transition period until December 2020 in case a Brexit deal is agreed upon. In… Read More The End of West Takers in the UK? Anti-suit injunctions post-Brexit: The default ‘No-deal’ Scenario

2019 Essay Competition for the European Investment Law and Arbitration Review

The Editorial Committee of the European Investment Law and Arbitration Review invites original, unpublished, high quality submissions for the Essay Competition 2019. The Essay Competition is open to all students, junior scholars and junior practitioners from around the world. To be eligible for the prize, authors must: be enrolled in a BCL, LLB, JD, LLM,… Read More 2019 Essay Competition for the European Investment Law and Arbitration Review