Brussels, 23 February | CEA Third Annual Conference: The present and near future of new technologies in arbitration

The Club Español del Arbitraje (the “CEA”) is a Spanish non-profit organization constituted in 2005 with the purpose to promote arbitration as an alternative method of conflict resolution and the development of arbitration in Spanish and Portuguese or Latin-American component. The CEA counts with more than 1000 members of 40 countries and 28 international chapters… Read More Brussels, 23 February | CEA Third Annual Conference: The present and near future of new technologies in arbitration

Coming out of the Closet: Third-Party Funding in International Arbitration

by Andrii Hubai* The recent rise of third-party funding in international arbitration has opened a completely new dimension for arbitration itself. An opportunity of funding the parties of the process became a big deal breaker in many aspects that are visible at a first glance and those hidden behind the privacy clauses of funding agreements.… Read More Coming out of the Closet: Third-Party Funding in International Arbitration

The EU’s foreign investment screening proposal: Towards more protectionism in the EU

by Prof. Nikos Lavranos, Secretary General of EFILA Last September, European Commission President Juncker presented a proposal for a European foreign investment screening regulation – apparently following a request by Germany, France and Italy. The proposal fits the protectionist mood that has taken hold in Brussels and in many EU Member States. The backlash against… Read More The EU’s foreign investment screening proposal: Towards more protectionism in the EU

The Concept of Arbitrability of Arbitration Agreements in India

by Harshal Morwale* “Arbitration is the grease that helps economies flow and brings us benefits around the world.” —David W. Rivkin[1] Introduction Arbitration is a dynamic dispute resolution technique. An arbitrator’s powers normally derive from the arbitration agreement. With increasing number of cross border transactions and international trade contracts, the arbitrability of arbitration agreements holds… Read More The Concept of Arbitrability of Arbitration Agreements in India

The Vodafone Tax Dispute: Abuse of Process in International Investment Arbitration?

by Malcolm Katrak* Recently, the Delhi High Court in the case of Union of India v. Vodafone Group, passed an ex-parte order restraining the Vodafone Group from pursuing an investment arbitration claim against India under the India-United Kingdom Bilateral Investment Treaty (India- UK BIT). The Court held that multiple claims cannot be permitted by corporate… Read More The Vodafone Tax Dispute: Abuse of Process in International Investment Arbitration?

Arbitration in Iran: With Focus on International Commercial Arbitration (Part III)

Nasim Gheidi & Parham Zahedi, Gheidi & Associates (See Part 1 and Part 2 of this post here and here) Iran’s Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs) Iran has signed more than 100 BITs (More than 50 of which are in force) with capital-exporting and neighboring countries for the reciprocal promotion and protection of foreign investment in Iran. The purpose behind these… Read More Arbitration in Iran: With Focus on International Commercial Arbitration (Part III)

Book Launch: The BRICS-Lawyers’ Guide to Global Cooperation

Cambridge University Press has just published a new collective volume regarding the BRICS legal arena, suggestively entitled “The BRICS-Lawyers’ Guide to Global Cooperation”. Its editors are: Rostam J. Neuwirth (University of Macau), Alexandr Svetlicinii (University of Macau) and Denis De Castro Halis (University of Macau). In the international trade and development arena, new and developing… Read More Book Launch: The BRICS-Lawyers’ Guide to Global Cooperation

UK post-Brexit cannot escape the impact of EU law and of the Court of Justice of the EU  

  Prof. Dr. Nikos Lavranos, LLM (Secretary General of EFILA) In recent weeks, the UK has published several papers explaining its aims of leaving the EU and how it intends to shape its future trade relationship with the EU. One of the aims repeatedly publicly stated by the UK will be “to end the direct… Read More UK post-Brexit cannot escape the impact of EU law and of the Court of Justice of the EU