European Investment Law and Arbitration Review (EILARev) Launched

EFILA and Queen Mary University are delighted to launch the new legal journal entitled European Investment Law and Arbitration Review, which will be published by Brill/Martinus Nijhoff. The Editor-in-Chief is Prof. Loukas Mistelis (QMU) and the Managing Editor is Dr. Nikos Lavranos (SG of EFILA). The journal welcomes submissions within the scope of it. The… Read More European Investment Law and Arbitration Review (EILARev) Launched

The Lack of Any Legal Conflict Between EU Law and Intra-EU BITs/ECT Disputes

 by Dr. Nikos Lavranos LLM, Secretary General of EFILA* A couple of weeks ago the first award in the series of more than 25 other solar energy cases against Spain was issued. The case was brought by two companies based in Luxembourg and the Netherlands against Spain on the basis of the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT)… Read More The Lack of Any Legal Conflict Between EU Law and Intra-EU BITs/ECT Disputes

ISDS Novelty Overlooked Or Novelty Outdated?

by Emma Spiteri-Gonzi* Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) is a procedural mechanism provided for in international investment agreements such as bilateral investment treaties (BITs) or multi-lateral investment treaties (MITs). ISDS allows an investor from one country to institute proceedings against the country where their investments where made- the Host State. So, has this novelty been overlooked… Read More ISDS Novelty Overlooked Or Novelty Outdated?

Call for Papers: PluriCourts Conference – 25-26 August 2016

The PluriCourts Centre of Excellence at the University of Oslo is organizing a conference titled ‘Adjudicating international trade and investment disputes: between interaction and isolation.’ The conference will be hosted at the Faculty of Law of the University of Oslo on Thursday and Friday 25- 26 August 2016. Submission procedures and timelines are detailed at the end of… Read More Call for Papers: PluriCourts Conference – 25-26 August 2016

The Shortcomings of the Proposal for an “International Court System” (ICS)

by Dr. Nikos Lavranos LLM, Secretary General of EFILA* During 2015 it became clear that the European Commission was under mounting pressure from the European Parliament (EP), Trade Ministers of several EU Member States, anti-ISDS NGOs and the media to propose more “reforms” of the investor-State dispute settlement (ISDS) system that is contained in CETA and… Read More The Shortcomings of the Proposal for an “International Court System” (ICS)

Redefining the ‘Centre’: International Economic Law and Grand Strategy in a Multipolar World

by Horia Ciurtin LL.M., Managing Editor of the EFILA Blog* (Legal) Multipolarity Revisited: What Lies Beyond Westphalia? This brief introduction to such an ambitious thematic must undoubtedly commence by positing its adherence to the (non-legal) core concept of ‘grand strategy’ and its realist avatars in international economic law. More precisely, it shall be argued that –… Read More Redefining the ‘Centre’: International Economic Law and Grand Strategy in a Multipolar World