DAA Dutch Arbitration Day 2017

The fifth anniversary edition of the Dutch Arbitration Day will bring together international arbitration practitioners as well as academics and in-house counsel. This year we will focus on the latest developments in the areas of advocacy and evidence.

Leaders in the field of international arbitration will share their views on and provide practical insights. They will cover topics such as effective oral advocacy, (cross-) examination of witnesses and experts and preparation and presentation of written testimony and expert evidence. The conference will take place in an interactive setting and will provide an excellent environment for participants to tap into the experience of seasoned practitioners from various jurisdictions.

Dutch Arbitration Day 2017
Advocacy and Evidence

Date: Thursday 14 September 2017
Time: 09.30 hours (opening)
Venue: The Hermitage Museum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Time Item Speakers
09.00 – 10:00 Ledenvergadering DAA (DAA members only)
09:15 – 10.00 Registration, Coffee
10.00 – 10:15 Welcome Gerard Meijer, President of the Dutch Arbitration Association, Professor of Arbitration & Dispute Resolution at Erasmus University Rotterdam, partner at NautaDutilh
10.15 – 11.00 Keynote
The essence of arbitral advocacy
Hilary Heilbron QC, barrister and arbitrator at Brick Court Chambers
11.00 – 11.30 Coffee break
11.30 – 12.30 Interview / discussion
Capitalizing on arbitration’s potential in respect of advocacy and evidence
Hilary Heilbron QC, barrister and arbitrator at Brick Court Chambers
Michael Schneider, partner at LALIVE
Arthur Hartkamp, Professor European Private Law at Radboud University
Jeroen van Hezewijk (moderator), partner at Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer
12.30 – 13.30 Lunch on canal boats
Optional: museum tour
13.30 – 13.45 Appointment Natalie Vloemans as new president DAA Gerard Meijer, President of the Dutch Arbitration Association, Professor of Arbitration & Dispute Resolution at Erasmus University Rotterdam, partner at NautaDutilh
13.45 – 14.15 Lecture 
Workings of the mind and psychological pitfalls in witness testimony
Peter van Koppen, Professor of Psychology and Law at VU Amsterdam
14.15 – 15.00 Expert session 1
Expert session on (the value of) witness evidence in international arbitration and ‘tricks of the mind’
Todd Wetmore, partner at Three Crowns
Bregje Korthals Altes-van Dijk, partner at De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek
Ragnar Harbst, partner at Baker McKenzie
Kevin Smith,  Managing Counsel Global Litigation at Shell
Sophie von Dewall (moderator), counsel at Derains & Gharavi International
15.00 – 15.45 Expert session 2
Expert session on quantum evidence, frequent errors in calculating damages and strategic considerations in deploying damages experts
Steven Finizio, partner at WilmerHale
Noel Matthews, senior managing director at FTI Consulting
Raymond van Hulst, Omni Bridgeway
Kiera Gans (moderator), Of Counsel at DLA Piper
15:45 – 16.30 Coffee break
16:30 – 17:30 Panel discussion
The role and future of advocacy in international arbitration
Paul Cohen, barrister at 4-5 Gray’s Inn Square
David Roney, partner at Sidley Austin
Todd Ptak, senior legal counsel at Airbus Group
17:30 – 17:45 Farewell Wouter de Clerck, Chair of the DAD Organising Committee, senior associate at DLA Piper
17:45 – 00:00 Cocktail dinatoire

Registration fee

The registration fee will be: EUR 350 for non-members; EUR 300 for members; EUR 150 euro for in-house counsel and EUR 75for students *. The price is this year including the festive anniversary cocktail dinatoire. Membership may be applied for via the DAA-website.

*) Note for students: Students must show their student card on the day of the conference.


Please fill in the form to register. You may register for this event until 7 September 2017.


Hotel suggestions

An overview of hotel suggestions can be viewed here.

Contact information

We hope to be able to welcome you all at The Hermitage Amsterdam on Thursday 14 September 2017. For further information concerning the conference, please visit www.dutcharbitrationassociation.nl or contact us via: DAD@dutcharbitrationassociation.nl.

Cancellation policy

Your registration will be treated as a commitment to attend the conference. If you do need to cancel, the DAA must be notified in writing. If written cancellation is received by 31 August 2017, the registration fee will be refunded in full. Any written cancellation received after that date, will not be subject to any full or partial refund.

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