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Call for Papers for the 2019 Issue of the European Investment Law and Arbitration Review

The Editorial Committee of the European Investment Law and Arbitration Review invites original, unpublished scholarly submissions on recent developments in international investment law, with a focus on the theme ‘The EU as a policy driver of international investment law’.

Examples of topics that authors could consider include:

We also invite case-notes and short articles on for example:

Submissions to the Review should fit within the following categories:

Long articles

Scholarly articles should provide an in-depth analysis of a topic and aim to comprehensively cover the relevant case-law and literature. The maximum length should be 20,000 words.

Short articles


Book reviews

Submissions must be in English and in conformity with the Review’s house style. The Review’s house style is available here.

All submissions must be unpublished and original material. Co-authored submissions are permissible.

All submissions will be peer-reviewed.

The Editorial Committee reserves the right to accept, reject a submission or make publication conditional upon modifications, which have been suggested to the author.

​​Submissions are to be emailed as an attached Word document to

The deadline for submission is: 1 April 2019.

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