Save the Date: 15 February 2019 – IV Annual Conference of the Belgian Chapter of the CEA – Arbitration and ADR in BIG construction projects of strategic infrastructure

EFILA is proud to announce the IV Annual Conference of the Belgian Chapter of the CEA regarding “Arbitration and ADR in BIG construction projects of strategic infrastructure”.

Brussels, Friday 15th February 2019 – 13:30 to 19:00
Jones Day’s offices – Rue de la Régence 4, 1000 Bruxelles

13:30 Registration of participants

14:00 Welcome remarks
Vanessa Foncke, Jones Day, Brussels
Emilio Paolo Villano, Capítulo Belga del Club Español del Arbitraje, Brussels

14:15 Keynote speech
Nicolas Angelet, Professor at Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels

14:45 PANEL 1 – Investment arbitration: where do we stand?
Moderator: Patricia Saiz, Professor at ESADE Law School, Barcelona
Special discussant: Petra Butler, Professor at Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington
§ The Energy Charter Treaty: is the sky cloudy or is it raining already? Antonio Vázquez-Guillén, Allen & Overy, Madrid
§ Intra-EU BITs after Achmea: the EU standpoint – Tim Maxian Rusche, EU Commission, Legal Service, Brussels
§ The Vattenfall case and the concept of legitimate expectations vs freedom to regulate – Ignacio Santabaya, Jones Day, Madrid

16:30 Coffee break

17:00 PANEL 2 – Dispute resolution in big-scale construction projects
Moderator: Alexander Hansebout, Altius, Brussels
§ When the State or a State-owned entity are the procuring entity or the main contractor: issues, concerns, solutions – Monica Feria-Tinta, 20 Essex Street, London
§ Shaping the dispute resolution mechanism within the supply chain: dos and don’ts – Ioana Knoll-Tudor, Jeantet, Paris
§ Before arbitration: DRB, expert adjudication and more – Lindy Patterson QC, 39 Essex Chambers, DRBF Director & President Region 2, London
§ Financing litigation on big construction projects: the TPF insights – Hannah Van Roessel, Omni Bridgeway, Amsterdam
§ Time is of the essence: extra-costs and time extension in big scale projects – Francesco Andreano, Stairwise, Turin
§ The enforcement of arbitral awards against States or State-owned entities – Jacques-Alexandre Genet, Archipel, Paris

19:00 Conclusive remarks
José Antonio Caínzos Fernández, Honorary President of the CEA, Partner at Clifford Chance, Madrid

19:20 Cocktail reception

This event has been granted 4 CLE Credits by the Ordre des Barreaux Francophones et Germanophone de Bruxelles and the Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten bij de Balie te Brussel .

Registrations on a “First come – First Served” basis at:

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