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Brussels, 23 February | CEA Third Annual Conference: The present and near future of new technologies in arbitration

The Club Español del Arbitraje (the “CEA”) is a Spanish non-profit organization constituted in 2005 with the purpose to promote arbitration as an alternative method of conflict resolution and the development of arbitration in Spanish and Portuguese or Latin-American component. The CEA counts with more than 1000 members of 40 countries and 28 international chapters in Europe, America and Asia.

The Third Annual Conference will take place on 23rd February 2018, STIBBE, Rue de Loxum 25 Loksumstraat, 1000 Bruxelles. Registration here.


Third Annual Conference Co-Chairs:

Alexander Hansebout – Partner, Altius, Brussels
Audrey Goessens – Case Manager, CEPANI, Brussels
Damien Geradin – Professor at Tilburg University (the Netherlands) and Visiting Professor, University College London; Partner, Euclid Law, Brussels
Dodo Chochitaichvili – Litigation and Arbitration Lawyer, Brussels
Edurne Navarro Varona – Partner, Uría Menéndez, Brussels
Emilio Paolo Villano – i3-law, Turin – Madrid – Brussels
Emma Van Campenhoudt – Secretary General, CEPANI, Brussels
Gautier Matray – Partner, Matray Matray & Hallet, Brussels
José Rafael Mata Dona – Arbitrator in independent practice and accredited mediator, Brussels
Maxime Berlingin – Of Counsel, Fieldfisher, Brussels, Lecturer at Saint-Louis University – Brussels
Niuscha Bassiri – Partner, Hanotiau & Van den Berg, Brussels
Yulia Selivanova – Independent Trade & Energy Regulatory Affairs Expert, Brussels


13:30 Registration of participants
14:00 Welcome Speeches
• Gautier Matray, Representative of the Capítulo Belga del CEA, Brussels
• Seguimundo Navarro, Secretary general of the CEA
• Nicolas Résimont / Benoît Kohl, Stibbe, Brussels
• Meloria Meschi, FTI Consulting, Paris
• Mathieu Maes, Secretary general of the ICC Belgium
• Emma Van Campenhoudt, Secretary General of CEPANI, Brussels
14:30 Keynote Speech
• Sophie Nappert, 3VB, Gray’s Inn, London
15:00 First Panel (moderated by Dodo Chochitaichvili and Maxime Berlingin)
• Consent to arbitrate given by digital means: validity and enforceability of the arbitration agreement. Erica Stein, Dechert LLP, Brussels
• Can leaked or hacked information and documents be used as evidence in arbitration? Matthew Buckle, Norton Rose Fulbright, London
• Confidentiality in arbitration at the age of emails and cloud computing. Franz Stirnimann Fuentes, Froriep, Geneva
• Access to cutting edge technology and equality of arms in arbitration. Alexander Fessas, Secretary General of the ICC International Court of Arbitration, Paris

Debate and Q&A
16:30 Coffee Break
17:00 Second Panel (moderated by Niuscha Bassiri and José Rafael Mata Dona)
• New technologies used today and 10 years from now in arbitration. Erik Schäfer, Cohausz & Florack, Düsseldorf
• Protection and acquisition of e-evidence. How to do it and risks of breaching privacy and privilege. Charles Raffin, Hardwicke, London
• How the increasing amount of available information and data can be used in arbitration cases. Meloria Meschi, FTI Consulting, Paris
• Are e-skills and on-line security standards to be considered while appointing an arbitrator? Mohamed S. Abdel Wahab, Zulficar & Partners, Cairo
Debate and Q&A
18:30 Closing Remarks
• Benoît Kohl, Stibbe, Brussels – Professor at the University of Liège
• Carol Evrard, Stibbe, Brussels
Cocktail reception

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