On 12 October 2017 Judge Christopher Greenwood, QC, will deliver the 3rd Annual EFILA Lecture 2017 entitled:
“Most Favoured Nations Clauses in BITs – What is their Real Purpose (and their Real Effect) ?”
LOCATION: Press Club Europe Rue Froissart 95 1000 Brussels
16.30 – 17.00 Registration Coffee, Tea
17.00 -17.15 Welcome address by Prof. Nikos Lavranos, Secretary General of EFILA
17.15-18.00 Annual Lecture by Judge Christopher Greenwood, CMG QC
18.00-18.45 Q&As and discussion moderated by Matthew Parish, Partner, Gentium Law
18:45-20.00 Drinks
REGISTRATION: The event is free of charge, but registration is required via this link
For any questions, please contact: Prof. Dr. Nikos Lavranos Secretary General of EFILA n.lavranos@efila.org
Download the programme here: 3rd Annual EFILA Lecture.