29 June: DAA Investment Committee meeting with the topic: Will arbitration survive the new era of protectionism?

As chair of the DAA Investment Committee, Nikos Lavranos is honored to invite you to the 2nd meeting with the following topic:

President Trump, Brexit and elections in Europe: will arbitration survive the new era of protectionism?

We will have two high-profile panels.

The first panel will discuss whether Protectionism in Europe and the United States will lead to more national investors first?

The panel consists of:

Marten van den Berg, Director General, Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Bart Legum, Partner, Dentons, Paris
Christoph Bondy, Partner, Volterra Fietta, London

The second panel will discuss the question: How to save commercial arbitration from the same criticism as investment arbitration?

The second panel consists:

Sabine Konrad, Partner, McDermott, Will & Emery, Frankfurt
Daniella Strik, Partner, Linklaters, Amsterdam
Mélanie Van Leeuwen, Partner, Derains & Gharavi, Paris

Since places are limited, please register ASAP by sending an email to: Jorian.HAMSTER@freshfields.com

date: 29 June 2017
location: Linklaters Amsterdam office
Zuidplein 180-WTC, 1077 XV Amsterdam

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