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EFILA Investment Treaty Arbitration Academy 2017: 17-22 July (Rotterdam)

The EFILA Investment Treaty Arbitration Academy is designed to provide in-depth knowledge on all relevant aspects of investment treaty arbitration.

The Academy is specifically designed for Government officials and practitioners who already have some knowledge of and experience with investment treaty arbitration law. Highly-qualified post-graduate students and Ph.D. candidates with prior specialization in international investment law may also be considered.

The Academy’s 2017 Session will run from Monday, 17 July 2017 until Saturday, 22 July 2017, afternoon.

The Program

The Lecturers


Admission requirements


To apply, please submit all your supporting documents as one PDF file, except the photo, in the following order:

These documents must be submitted to:

With the exception of the photograph, all materials submitted must be included in one single PDF document.

The deadline for submitting your application is 1 June 2017. The Selection Committee will base its decision on the fulfilment of the admission criteria and the documents submitted along with the application.

Applicants will be notified of the Selection Committee’s decision regarding their application by 19 June 2017.

Upon receipt of the notification of acceptance, applicants are encouraged to immediately begin their hotel and travel arrangements as well as any necessary visa applications.

Participation of the Academy Session depends on prior payment of the tuition fee, which must be received by the Academy before 3 July 2017.

Registration fees

The tuition amounts to EUR 1,000,- for applicants affiliated with a university, with a Government or International Organization (subject to providing proof), and EUR 1,500 for practitioners.

Cancellation policy

Cancellations prior to 23 June 2017 are free.

Cancellations after 23 June 2017 will entail the payment of 50% of the applicable registration fee, i.e., EUR 500,- or EUR 750,- respectively.

Cancellations after 3 July will entail the payment of 100% of the applicable registration fee, i.e., EUR 1000,- or EUR 1,500,- respectively.


Participants admitted to attend the 2017 Arbitration Academy will be expected to attend all lecturers and the final mock arbitration in their entirety. All participants will be assessed (and a receive passing grade). Upon successful completion of the whole Session, participants will receive a Certificate of Attendance. However, if an Academy participant is absent for one or more lectures without acceptable justification, he/she will be precluded from receiving a Certificate of Participation at the end of the Session. All participants should evaluate the


Applicants admitted to attend the program consent to have their photograph and curriculum vitae posted on the Academy’s website. In addition, all participants in the Academy’s 2017 Session consent to have photos or videos taken during the course of the program published on the Academy’s website.

Practical Information

The EFILA Academy does not provide for any travel or accommodation.

Participants are required to make all the necessary travel and accommodation arrangements themselves, as well as any necessary visa application.

All Academy Lectures will take place at the offices of Nauta Dutilh in Rotterdam.

The address is: Weena 800, 3014 DA Rotterdam:

The NautaDutilh office is located directly at the Rotterdam central station.

Rotterdam can be easily reached with international trains as well as by air via the Rotterdam-The Hague airport and Schiphol airport Amsterdam.

The precise programme will be provided in advance of the Session to all admitted participants.

Up-dated information about the programme will also be published on the EFILA website:

Casual business attire during the Lectures. However, please note that formal business attire is required for the mock arbitration.

All Lectures will be taught in English.

For further information, please contact Prof. Dr. Nikos Lavranos, LLM, Secretary General of EFILA at:

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