Dr. Nikos Lavranos, Secretary-General of EFILA, will give a Master Class on Investment Arbitration for the Brussels Diplomatic Academy and AIA on Monday, 19 September 2016 in Brussels. This Master Class is part of the closer cooperation agreed between EFILA and the AIA.
See here for the programme and registration: Master Class: Investment Arbitration
The Brussels Diplomatic Academy (BDA) and the Association for International Arbitration (AIA) kindly invite you to attend:
Master Class
Investment Arbitration
19-22 September, 2016
[Interesting to know: Several top diplomats already confirmed their participation]
The law on foreign investment protection is one of the fastest developing and intellectually challenging branches of international law with high practical relevance. Investment arbitration is predicted to be a major factor in the development of the global economic system. The number of investment disputes before international arbitral tribunals has increased significantly over the last decades and reflects the notable preferences of the international business community for resolving international investment disputes. Acquaintance with the legal regime for investment arbitration and case law has now become indispensable for those involved in investments, economic diplomacy and international dispute resolution. In the course of the Master Class, speakers will examine the fundamental notions relevant to investment arbitration and critically review a number of major cases.
This course is recommended to diplomats, government officials, investment arbitrators, lawyers involved in investment protection, private investors and executives involved in investment decision-making processes.
The four days seminar is designed to provide its participants with a concentrated educational experience in the areas of law on foreign investment protection and investment arbitration. It is specifically aimed to provide practical help to those who wishes to grasp the fundamentals of investment arbitration. The course also offers an explanation of legal rules and relevant guidelines as well as checklists and practice examples.
The course’s unique feature is its international scope. Participants from a broad range of backgrounds will participate in a dynamic learning experience, where the multifaceted aspects of arbitration are considered from a range of comparative perspectives.