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EFILA Annual Conference 2016 – “Investment Arbitration 2.0”

The Annual Conference of EFILA 2016 entitled “Investment arbitration 2.0?“ will take place on 5 February 2016 at the La Maison du Barreau in Paris.

The Conference will bring together world-class dispute resolution practitioners and prominent arbitration experts to discuss the challenges and opportunities of investment arbitration, including the new features of investment protection chapters included in recently concluded or currently negotiated EU International Investment Agreements, like CETA or TTIP. In particular, the speakers will discuss pros and cons of international arbitration, the rule of law, including the complex issues such as transparency, right to regulate, protection of property rights and democratic deficits.


The registration fee is:  299 (excluding VAT)
EFILA offers 50% discount on the conference fee to full time students and academics


Conference programme is available here.

For registration, follow this link: REGISTRATION.

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