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Call for Papers: Bucerius Law Journal Conference on International Investment Law & Arbitration

Supported by Neil Kaplan and Doak Bishop

In collaboration with Neil Kaplan QC CBE and R. Doak Bishop, the Bucerius Law Journal is proud to announce its first conference on International Investment Law & Arbitration. The conference will take place in the facilities of the Bucerius Law School in Hamburg, Germany on 22nd and 23rd April 2016.

The Bucerius Law Journal was established in 2007 ( as a cooperative effort of students and faculty of the Bucerius Law School, one of Germany’s leading law schools. Since then, the Bucerius Law Journal’s mission has been to provide a platform for young and ambitious scholars to publish their work. In line with that goal, the conference is similarly tailored towards international upcoming scholars (research assistants, graduate students, doctoral candidates and young lawyers) with a research interest in Investment Law & Arbitration.

The conference will be based on the scholarly papers of the participants and will feature a strong focus on panel discussions of pre-selected aspects of International Investment Law & Arbitration. To enable such discussions, the selected papers will be circulated between the participants prior to the symposium to allow every participant to familiarize himself with the issues of his or her panel. There will be 6 Panels each consisting of 3 participants which will be moderated independently relating to the following topics.

For more details, please see the complete Call for Papers.

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