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EFILA Annual Lecture 2015 – Sophie Nappert

In the wake of the release of the European Commission’s proposal for a new investment chapter in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, EFILA is pleased to announce a launch of its Annual Lecture series.

The inaugural Annual Lecture of EFILA entitled: “Escaping from Freedom? The Dilemma of an Improved ISDS Mechanism” will take place on 26 November 2015 from 16.30 until 19.30 at the Brussels Press Club Europe (Rue Froissart 95, 1000 Bruxelles).

The inaugural Annual Lecture of EFILA will be delivered by Sophie Nappert, a highly regarded, experienced arbitrator and peer-nominated Moderator of OGEMID.

As stated by Sophie, the purpose of her speech is not to make the apology of ISDS in its current form, or to sing its eulogy.  Rather than clinging to a model that is showing cracks, she is far more interested in the challenging proposition of making investor-to-State, and most relevantly investor-to-EU, dispute resolution in the 21st century legitimate and authoritative at this fascinating intersection between EU law and international law, whilst remaining loyal to core values common to both the EU and international dispute settlement. For the abstract of Sophie’s lecture please click here.

Please register by sending an email with your name, affiliation and phone number to Ms Senta Marenz,

We look forward to welcoming you to the Annual Lecture of EFILA.

Sponsors of the Annual Lecture 2015

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